Sufficient Classrooms

Krishna Public School provides classrooms to its students which help them to think positively. Classrooms are well ventilated and furnished. Students are provided with an ideal environment to concentrate in studies and learn new skills for their overall development. Different important lessons of life are taught to students within these four walls which will help them in a long run. Benches are also well furnished which make students more comfortable and increase their concentration. The classrooms are equipped with desks, chairs, whiteboards or chalkboards, and teaching materials. Beyond academic instruction, classrooms also serve as hubs for social and emotional development, providing opportunities for students to build relationships, develop communication skills, and cultivate a sense of belonging within their school community. With comfortable and well-equipped classroom facilities, KPS create supportive learning environments that empower students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally, laying the foundation for lifelong learning and success.



Library provides access to books, reference materials, computers, and study spaces for research and independent learning. Stocked with a diverse array of books, reference materials, and digital resources, school libraries offer students and educators access to a wealth of information across various subjects and disciplines. Beyond serving as repositories of knowledge, libraries foster a culture of inquiry, independent learning, and critical thinking, providing students with opportunities to explore their interests and pursue self-directed research. Librarians play a pivotal role in guiding students in navigating information sources, honing research skills, and fostering a love for reading and lifelong learning. By providing access to a vast array of resources and opportunities for intellectual and personal growth, KPS empower students to become informed, curious, and engaged learners, equipping them with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in school and beyond.


Sports facilities

School recognizes the significance of sports facilities in fostering physical health, teamwork, and personal development among students. These facilities encompass a range of amenities, including gymnasiums, sports fields, courts, and fitness centers, where students can engage in various athletic activities. Through physical education classes and extracurricular sports programs, schools provide opportunities for students to participate in team sports, individual activities, and recreational pursuits, promoting physical fitness, coordination, and motor skills. Moreover, sports facilities serve as venues for competitions, matches, and tournaments, enabling students to showcase their talents, sportsmanship, and dedication while fostering camaraderie and school spirit. Additionally, these facilities often accommodate a variety of sports and recreational activities, catering to diverse interests and abilities among students. Beyond physical benefits, engagement in sports facilities promotes social skills, resilience, and leadership qualities, instilling values of discipline, perseverance, and teamwork that extend beyond the playing field. By investing in comprehensive sports facilities, schools nurture well-rounded individuals who are equipped with the physical and personal attributes essential for success in academics, sports, and life endeavors.



KPS Auditorium serves as versatile space for a myriad of educational, cultural, and social events. These are equipped with seating arrangements, stage platforms, lighting, and sound systems, accommodating large gatherings for assemblies, performances, presentations, and ceremonies. Auditoriums provide students with platforms to showcase their talents in music, drama, public speaking, and various artistic endeavors, fostering creativity, confidence, and self-expression. Additionally, these spaces serve as platforms for guest speakers, community events, and academic conferences, enriching the educational experience and fostering connections between schools and their broader communities. Furthermore, auditoriums often play a vital role in commemorating achievements, milestones, and traditions within the school community, reinforcing a sense of pride, unity, and belonging among students, faculty, and families. With their versatility and capacity to host diverse events, auditoriums serve as vibrant hubs of cultural exchange, intellectual discourse, and communal celebration within schools, enriching the educational journey and nurturing a spirit of collaboration, appreciation, and excellence among all stakeholders.



Laboratories are indispensable assets serving as dynamic spaces where students engage in hands-on experimentation, exploration, and discovery across various scientific disciplines. Equipped with state-of-the-art equipment, instruments, and resources, laboratories provide students with immersive learning experiences that complement theoretical knowledge gained in classrooms. Whether in the realms of biology, chemistry, physics, or technology, laboratories offer students opportunities to apply scientific principles, develop critical thinking skills, and cultivate a deeper understanding of the natural world. Under the guidance of skilled instructors, students conduct experiments, analyze data, and draw conclusions, honing their problem-solving abilities and fostering a spirit of inquiry and curiosity. Moreover, laboratories encourage collaboration and teamwork among students as they work together to solve challenges and achieve common objectives. Beyond academic pursuits, laboratories serve as incubators for innovation and creativity, inspiring future scientists, engineers, and innovators to push the boundaries of knowledge and make meaningful contributions to society. By providing access to cutting-edge facilities and experiential learning opportunities, school laboratories empower students to become scientifically literate, analytical thinkers capable of tackling real-world problems and driving progress in an ever-evolving world.



Transportation services play a crucial role in ensuring access to education for students across diverse geographical areas. From buses to shuttles, KPS provide safe and reliable transportation options that facilitate students' commute to and from school. These services alleviate the burden on families, particularly in regions with limited public transportation infrastructure or when schools are located far from residential areas. By offering transportation, KPS promote equity and inclusivity, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to attend school regardless of their distance from the campus. Moreover, transportation services enable students to participate in extracurricular activities, field trips, and educational excursions, enriching their educational experience and fostering social connections beyond the classroom. Additionally, transportation services are designed with safety in mind, with trained drivers, regular maintenance checks, and adherence to traffic regulations to ensure the well-being of students during their commute. Overall, transportation services provided by KPS not only facilitate access to education but also contribute to students' overall well-being, enabling them to engage fully in academic, social, and extracurricular pursuits without transportation barriers hindering their participation.